WhiteboardCrypto’s largest challenge

Managing a community...

First off, wow – what a response to last week’s email!

I want you all to know that I personally read every reply. If my replies were brief, it's only because I wanted to reach as many of you as possible.

BUT, don’t feel like a burden for that. Here’s why…

The Community

The community aspect of WhiteboardCrypto is the part I love the most. 

I’d even say that the heartbeat of WhiteboardCrypto is its community. Sure, the tech is cool, and sharing polished videos feels great, but the real joy? Meeting you all, hearing your stories—it’s unmatched.

I remember back when we first launched WhiteboardCrypto Club in late 2021, when it was literally the peak of the bull run, and there were so many people talking in our discord. Our community was thriving and growing so fast. 

Our community members started becoming friends. Relationships were made. There were group voice calls. Movie nights. Some members have literally met each other in real life. One time, we even solved a crypto crime together.

This didn’t come without challenges though. In fact, I think one of WhiteboardCrypto’s largest struggles has been managing the community. Myself, I'm a content creator. I create, tell stories, and teach. 

Managing hundreds, literally thousands of relationships, isn’t a skill that I had developed at the time. It still probably isn’t. Due to that, many members may have felt left out or not included. I know we’ve had a few people specifically mention that the community inside WhiteboardCrypto Club has felt “quiet” in the past. 

Part of that was just the quiet market. People just aren’t as interested in learning about (and talking about) crypto when it’s down. Plus, it doesn’t feel like there’s a fountain of new dApps hitting the market like last time. There aren’t 9 figure marketing plans disguised as farming rewards, either. The other part, I take responsibility for not looking at the community as a problem to continually solve. 

Basil has done a great job at basically running the whole Discord, but I think in the next “bull” run, she’ll need help, and I’m working on that now. 

Anyways, the community aspect of WhiteboardCrypto has always been my favorite part. I may not be the best at running it, but I love being a part of it, watching everyone share new ideas, ask questions to make people think, and learning new things myself. From the YouTube comments, to the Discord conversations, to the Twitter DMs, thanks for making the process of building educational resources feel alive

The Knowledge

Secondly, your thoughts, however “small” you think they are, provide us with valuable insight into the way the world looks at crypto. It’s my goal to package that hive knowledge into every email we send and video we publish.

I remember all the hype and optimism at the end of 2021. The “Metaverse” was so it. Everyone was buying NFTs, and crypto games were popping off. I knew this, because people emailed about it. Heck, if you’re reading this, maybe YOU emailed about it. 

Then, mid 2022 rolled around, when I was taking all those consulting calls for lifetime members. Slowly, then all at once, people stopped asking about what NFT I was interested in, or where the best place to yield farm was, and even if I would invest in their project… and they started asking “when bitcoin go up?”. 

No joke, there was one week where I could feel the change in the way people talked. It’s like they were bored, and exhausted, all at once. They got on the call because they had already booked it with me, not because they had questions. 

Fear not. Through all of this, I have been collecting knowledge. I get to see what the market is thinking and feeling, on a case-by-case basis. This is an edge that not a lot of people have, and I really appreciate you for sharing it with me.

Even if you think a million people read this email, and that I won’t read your reply, never forget that I do. 

I don’t have much to share in this email, other than the fact that I’m starting to get more positive and optimistic emails and DMs. BTC is also hitting some pretty exciting levels, so maybe that’s why. The halving is coming up. Maybe that “cycle” everyone keeps talking about is a real thing?

Time will tell.

- Theodore

P.S. To tap into some of that knowledge I mentioned, if you want to share, in any community that you’ve been a part in - what made you feel acknowledged and excited to contribute? Conversely, what made you feel cold? 

P.P.S If you’re new here - we aren’t sponsored. We may even be the only crypto newsletter that isn’t. We also aren’t corporate. It’s me (Theodore), and like 3 other people right now running this show, and we’re going to stand out by staying personal.