WhiteboardCrypto Newsletter - Sept 14

Welcome back to this week's edition of our WhiteboardCrypto Newsletter!

Friend.Tech less friendly than thought

Friend.tech, a Web3 social media platform that exploded in popularity last year, is in hot water after its team put control over the smart contracts to Ethereum’s null address, meaning no one can make changes to the platform. This sparked fears of a "rug pull." Some users worry this move will hurt their investments, but the team claims it's all about transparency and keeping things stable because it prevents any changes to fees or functions. The web app remains accessible, and the team has answered questions on X.

Learn more here.

PayPal and Venmo make crypto easier

PayPal started accepting crypto in 2020, and Venmo followed in 2021. Soon, they’ll let U.S. users send crypto in-app using ENS names like “yourname.eth” instead of the long “0x…” wallet addresses. This makes crypto payments even more accessible and easy, marking another step toward mainstream adoption and easier onboarding.

Learn more here.

Thanks for reading and I hope you learned something!

- Theodore