WhiteboardCrypto Newsletter - July 22

Welcome back to this week's edition of our WhiteboardCrypto Newsletter!

Crypto memes can be criminal in the UK

The UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has proposed new guidelines that would make it clear that if you are creating or sharing memes, they may be considered as financial promotion. If the proposal goes through, people may need to share disclosures with their memes that it’s not financial advice and warning about the risks of crypto. This doesn’t just apply within the UK, but any activity outside the UK that may have influence in the UK. Learn more here.

At the same time, the UK government blocked a Treasury Committee proposal to classify crypto as gambling. So, it’s not all bad over there? Learn more here.

Solana draws on ETH devs

A new program called Solang has been released that will allow Ethereum’s Solidity coding language to work on the Solana network. This will surely bring in more developers and also allow some Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatibility, meaning Solana may be able to operate in the Ethereum ecosystem, depending what developers decide to build. Different blockchains use different coding languages, but increasingly more tools are being built for devs who know one language to code on other chains.

Learn more here.

Polygon ecosystem roadmap updated

Polygon Labs, the creators of the Polygon blockchain and MATIC token, have proposed a “Polygon 2.0” roadmap that aims to expand the ecosystem to be multi-chain, have new governance models, and introduces a new Community Treasury that will be managed by an independent community board. This is still in the deliberation stage, but it certainly signals that Polygon might become more decentralized soon. Learn more here.

This roadmap also includes transitioning the MATIC token to a new token called POL. POL would earn staking fees like MATIC does, but it would also be able to validate, and thus earn fees, on other chains too. Learn more here.

EthCC recap

The yearly EthCC conference happened in Paris this past week and there were a bunch of project announcements, including Lens Protocl’s V2, UniswapX, Chainlink CCIP, and more. You can read details about each here.

Thanks for reading and I hope you learned something!

- Theodore