Satoshi's Guide To Privacy

What's actually in the lessons?

I got a lot of emails yesterday asking about what was actually in BecomeSatoshi. To clear that up, I thought I’d describe some of the lessons planned for a few of the modules:

Clear Web Cleanup

In this section, we’ll learn how to scour the “clear web” - or the parts of the internet that anyone can easily access. You’ll learn how to literally change what pops up on Google when someone searches your name.

You can remove certain webpages, you can delete images, and in some cases, you can create your own knowledge card so that it looks very professional. On the dark side, many people are shocked that their pw is out there on the clear web, right next to their email address.

One time, my Spotify account was hacked, and looking back, it’s probably because it was in clear text in a file that you could find simply by Googling my email. This stuff needs to be cleaned up, and I’ll teach you how.

Dark Web Management

Next is an analysis of what’s not in the clear web. It’s very difficult to control what’s on the dark web, but some of it can be managed. Some of this management involves creating a massive amount of “sock puppets”, which are fake accounts that make it difficult to find information relevant to your real account. 

You most definitely have leaked account credentials, home address information, phone numbers, and even stuff like credit cards or social security numbers on the dark web. I have yet to find someone who doesn’t.

It’s dangerous and we need to a plan for your safety. This module is that plan.

Privacy Tools

Moving forward, there is a set of privacy tools that have been asymmetrically valuable in hiding my own online identity. From VPNs and pw managers, to virtual machines and encrypted email, even to scrubbing deleted files, or the software needed to recover them, we will go through all the tools for you to create your own “privacy stack”. 

These are just 3 of the planned modules. There are many other modules planned, but here are some of the others that I’m most excited for:

  • Performing Background Checks

  • Reputation Management

  • Hidden Financial Transactions

  • Advanced Security Processes

  • LLCs, Name Changes, and Mail Delivery

Someone also brought up the question “Can we sell this as a service?”…

Absolutely! There is a need for privacy education and reputation management right now. As “personal brands” become more important, this need will only increase. These skills can be marketed many ways, but digital privacy is a growing market, just look at how many videos VPNs and other security services sponsor.

You can start your journey today by arming yourself with the knowledge, tools, and skills to hide your online identity and remove your personally identifying information that’s already out there.

The doors are closing in a little more than 24 hours, and I’m considering putting a member limit on this prelaunch, so let me know if you have any questions about the project.

I hope to see you inside!


P.S. If you’re a lifetime member and want a discount, hit reply to this email. If you want to pay with crypto, that’s also an option, just let me know and I’ll send you further instructions