I need your help with a new project [Free Doc]

It's about token research


Theodore here, and I’m working on some software that will hopefully make token research easier.

I don’t want to get SUPER deep into this software, before getting some feedback.

So, this email will be quite simple, with a clear call to action…

Here’s a research document on a token project named Celestia: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iaQmtVeVcpl2ed_4aJP1d_FfXNw96D5S56qnNh5kkoY/edit

You can make suggestions or ask questions by creating a comment, but know that your Google icon and name will be shown (if you’re logged in) - this is a public document.

Please share all the thoughts and questions you have, so that we can develop this software to fit your needs. You can hit reply to this email if you want to share your thoughts privately.

Here are some things to think about:

  • Is there anything that was missed, which is important in your own research process?

  • How valuable/important were the sources, citations, and links?

  • What was useless?

  • Was it too technical?

The goal of this software is to make collaborative research on a project easier. A coin I’ve termed is “peer-reviewed alpha” (but that’s probably the marketer in me). Before we add in the collaboration feature, I want to ensure our initial research template is actually useful.

If you’re a member of WhiteboardCrypto Club, you’ll get early access to beta soon - I’ll also send an email probably next week sharing more details about the club and some updates regarding it.

Thanks for your time, and I hope you’re having a great week!

- Theodore

P.S. Do you have experience wireframing web UI or creating infographics? Another phase of this project is to turn this pale block of research text into a beautiful document, and I could use your help.