My Edge is Your Edge

Sharing some data that you don't have

As a crypto educator and “influencer”, I have access to some unique “alpha”, or competitive edges, that the regular investor doesn’t have.

I just wanted to write an email to share some of this alpha with you. In the last 12 months, I have received a LOT of collaboration proposals. These are fairly obvious though, with a YouTube channel at 850,000 subscribers, I’m low hanging fruit for any project. Why wouldn’t you pitch me?

These crypto projects could be “free video content” for my audience, and advertising for the project owners, so we get many requests each month. Honestly, though, 99% of these requests are clear scams or low-value projects.

However, in the last 3 weeks, I have received a larger-than-usual amount of requests for collaborations from large, trustworthy projects. Their initial emails don’t immediately mention a paid sponsorship, but the wording hints at it.

If they’re contacting me, they’re contacting other influencers, and you may be watching an ad without knowing it’s an ad. This implies these projects have increased their marketing budget, either through paying sponsorships, or through increased outreach labor, and it’s something to note.

Between the ETF news, the upcoming halving, and a green 2023, I’ve started to see a lot more human activity interested in crypto.

Even on our channel last year, there were multiple times when I posted a new video and lost 100+ subscribers. Recently, I’m hitting a yearly high, probably from interest in my catalog of previous videos. I actually only posted 6 videos in 2023, but you can see the trend down from January, and the trend up since September:

Anyways, with the crypto market blooming and a rise of new, flourishing projects… I want to remind you that there are more scams in crypto than any other market.

  • If you don’t understand the technology, ask questions.

  • If you don’t understand where the profit is coming from, find out.

  • If you don’t have money to lose, just watch.

I hope you all have a great week, and feel free to reply with any questions you have, or projects you’d like me to look into!

- Theodore